Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tips for Distance Learning

Hi Parents, I have done some reflecting on our distance learning day tomorrow...

I know the idea of distance learning can be overwhelming for both parent and child (and teacher). I came up with a list of tips for the kiddos. Please feel free to share with the them as you wish:
  • find a quiet work place; free of distractions
  • start with the hardest/most time consuming assignment first
  • reward yourself with small breaks (maybe a dance party or healthy snack!)
  • hydrate! 
  • stand while working
  • stay organized
  • make it fun, stay organized, be creative!
  • if it gets frustrating: step away, say a prayer, and try again
Parents, thank you so very much for your support and involvement in your child's education. I know this is not the ideal situation. We take many brain breaks during the day at school. I use to lead us in dance parties! I think they have a home account for parents as well.
Again, do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything. Thank YOU!